Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Big Vote

Today s the day. As I sit here and anticipate what will happen I'm reminded by my husband what should happen. The states should consider state sovereignty to this health care bill. We must remember that states rights can supersede the federal government. The states do not have to except this bill. I am sure there is some hidden agendas, if you don't vote for this there will be no school funding, no medicaid funding. This is how politicians work. Our representatives must ban together and either repeal this or our states attorney generals should take this to the supreme courts. This is treading on our rights, our 5th amendment rights are being violated big time. Also, state rights are being violated. I certainly don't want to hear people complain if it does pass. If people who stood by and did nothing then they should keep their mouth shut. You don't have a right to say anything if you deemed this unimportant. If you get taxed to the gill, or get a fine cause you didn't take out the type of ins. the govt says you should have, don't come crying to those who tried to stand up. Shame on us for allowing abortions to be paid by all those insured. This goes against my conscience and every ounce of my being. How awful for my money to be used to kill a life. This country has fallen and will continue to fall until GOD is put back in our lives the way it used to be. If only our FOUNDERS knew what was happening this day.I am positive they would not say that we owe everyone health care, food, a car to drive, a house to live in,internet servce,HDTV, cable, cellphones etc.

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